Monday, July 28, 2014

Chapter 13-Let 'em eat cake

This chapter was originally posted on 1/25/14

Rose had masterminded a plan but she was biding her time until Wolfie was a child before she put it in motion.  As Wolfie blew out his candles Rose knew the time had come for justice to be served.

Wolfie as a child.

One night at dinner Rose had a little talk with Wolfie:

Rose: Wolfie you know how proud of the way you worked very hard this year in school and that you made the honor roll, so I have a little surprise for your summer vacation

Wolfie: A surprise for me?  What is it Mom?  A present!  Whatcha get me?

Rose: I think since its summer you should be able to have a little fun before you get older and have to start high school, so I arranged for you to go to camp for the summer.  You will be able to go swimming, play baseball and basketball and all the fun stuff you like to do with boys your own age.  Now doesn't that sound like fun?

Wolfie: It does sound like a lot of fun!  Can I go right now?

Rose: You leave tomorrow morning, I already packed your clothes. for you

Wolfie Thank you, Thank You Thank You!  I'm going to call Pablo Crumplebottom now and oh boy is he going to be jealous.

Wolfie runs off and Rose sighs because she knows how much she will miss him, but she knows it is for his own good.

The next morning Rose gives Wolfie a big hug when the bus arrives to take him to camp

Rose: Now promise me you will be on your best behavior and you call me if you need me

Wolfie: I promise

They hear the bus driver beeping the horn

Rose: OK you better get going.  I'm going to miss you and I love you

Wolfie: I love you too Mom

Rose gets a lump in her throat as she watches her little boy walking away, but she gets straight to work as soon as the bus drives away.

She went straight to her spell book and researched to find the perfect spell.

As she waved her magic hands, she began to site an incantation.

Darkness before dawn as anxiety flows
I promise to overcome these evil foes
Buried within the earth the seed knows
Vendetta, Revenge and Justice grows.

With a puff of smoke a seed appeared on the floor

She planted the seed right immediately, as she only had a few weeks to work with.

She tended the plant every morning while later on.....

she worked on getting closer to Jareth.

Rose: I really love the time that we are spending together, we should have done this long ago.

Jareth: We really made up for lost time, I feel like we are getting closer every day.  There is something I needed to ask you. 

Rose: Sure ask anything you like.

Jareth: It's kind of business, my Uncle is losing a lot of money from these new laws and your mother's books.   If you wanted to help him silence these eco friendly activists, he would make it worth your while.

Rose: Well you know that everything can be purchased for the right price, why don't you arrange a meeting between us two.

Which is exactly what Jareth did.

Nick: Mrs Landgraab, I'm glad we came to a mutual agreement.  Now all I need is the contracts from the publishers and we are in business.

Rose: Mr. Alto the contracts are in the office above the garage, why don't you go up there and I'll be right there.

Rose is fuming inside because she hates to have to pretend to be nice to that man but than she hears the door from the garage closing.  She than says the words that finalizes her spell

Rose: Let 'em eat cake.

Nick was under the spell which drew him to the cake, he had no control over himself. When it was all over the plant had a smile like the cat that just ate the canary.

Grim: Nice job Elsie!

Grim: Come on Nick, fire and brimstone are awaiting for you.

Rose: Now that Nick is taken care of, its time to get that snake out of my life yet again and for me to bring my boys back home.

To be continued......


  1. I see Rose doesn't mess around either :D Never liked Nick Alto myself, haha :P
    You're kinda making me regret not having gotten a cow plant..

  2. No one messes with Rose and lives to tell the tale :)

    I had such trouble with the cowplant in this chapter, it kept spitting him out. I guess even the cowplant has its standards.

    1. Haha, I guess some things are too vile even for cowplants :D

  3. I love it - that cowplant really can help out when you need an 'accident'. Just wait till Vita gets news of this - I don't think it's going to be that easy just yet

  4. Ooh a cowplant! I'd never seen anyone use it in a story before, that's cool. I wonder if the rest of Nick's family is now going to want to come after Rose, but I guess they might not know she did anything. She might be free now to live peacefully.

    1. The Altos would come after Rose if they were sure that she was the one responsible and if they can find a body. Beauty part of using a cowplant for murder, there is no evidence. Considering Nick was a mob boss he does have plenty of enemies. Rose knew exactly what she was doing and how to get away with it.

  5. Genius using the cowplant lol!!

    1. That was the first time I ever used the cowplant. I just hope that Nick didn't give it a bad case of indigestion.

  6. Woot! Death by cowplant. She didn't mess around.

    1. Nope no one messes with Rose and gets away with it.

  7. Replies
    1. Rose isn't very patient and she wanted him dead ASAP.
