Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Chapter 21.2-Thats MY DAUGHTER!

This chapter was originally posted on 3/26/14

Later that day it was  Sandi's birthday and Wolfie threw the party he promised his daughter.  The whole family showed up.

Holly, Emit, Verne and Amy

Jules without his blue hair.

Rose was there but Ronny had the sniffles so Chris stayed home to take care of him.

Sandi blew out the candles and it was time to age up.

Generation #4 Brave, Clumsy and a Computer Whiz.  We are most likely going into law enforcement here.

Meanwhile back at the Altos:

Vita receives a phone call from one of her sources, they have been watching Wolfie and she knew it was time to take action.

Vita: It's time Holly, I want you to go to claim your daughter.

Holly: Mom that is a lie she is not my daughter and I don't want to claim her.

Vita: You won't have to, the young man is attached to the kid already.  He will give into our demands before he hands over that child to you.  This I am sure of.

Holly: Mom please don't make me do this.

Vita: I told you already, you will do as I say!  CAPISCE!

Holly: capisce

Holly Alto did not want to do this but she knew it was pointless to argue with her mother.

Reluctantly she went over to Wolfie's and carried out her mother's orders.

Holly: Hi Wolfie, I know its a long time and I should have called you sooner, but I have come for our daughter.  Where is little Brandi?

Wolfie: MY DAUGHTER'S name is Sandi and she is in school right now.

Holly: Is it alright if I wait here, I have come to take her home with me.

Wolfie: No it is not alright if you wait here, I want you to leave immediately.  If you are Sandi's mother go get a DNA test to prove so and than contact my lawyer.  If you come back I will have a restraining order issued.  This is the home she grew up in and I am the parent who raised her.  MY DAUGHTER is not leaving this house with anyone.

To be continued......


  1. :O Vita looked like a zombie with that lighting in the first picture! :O

    1. Vita really does look like a zombie in that picture, bad lighting. My old PC was not kind to these pictures.

  2. In her defence, the full moon lighting screws up every picture, so at least it's not just her :D

  3. Go Wolfie! Stand up for Sandi!
    Poor Holly, I feel bad for her since her mother is the one forcing her to do such atrocious things.

    1. Wolfie is not going to let anyone take Sandi from him no matter what the cost is. He didn't want to be a father at first but she wormed her way into his heart and now she is his princess. He will literally fight tooth and nail for his daughter or any of his family.

      Holly is basically a good person, she doesn't want to do any of this and she hates herself for it. Her mother knows that she can be manipulated easily and she is using that to her advantage.

      Thank you for reading :)
