Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chapter 76-Bae Watch

As Chrissie's second trimester began the morning sickness started to wear off.  The nausea began to subside and no longer did smell of food make her stomach queasy.  Her sleeping patterns returned to normal and she had more energy than she had ever had before in her entire life.

She used all this new found energy to prepare for the baby's arrival.  She read and reread every book on pregnancy, child birth and baby care she could find. When she was finished with each book she handed all of them to Mickey and she strongly suggested that he read them also.  Mickey didn't mind as he did have a desire to read the same books.  Shopping was the next order of business as she planned to only have the best for their baby.  She spent hours in flipping through catalogs, browsing the internet and visiting the department stores.  She was ready to purchase everything until Starr suggested that Chrissie register instead.  Starr decided to throw a surprise baby shower for Chrissie and she would probably get everything she needed as gifts.

Sometime during the second trimester Chrissie thought she felt hunger pangs but when it happened again and again she realized that it was much more. At first it felt like little bubbles popping and the feeling grew stronger and stronger. Her little boy was moving around and making his presence known. She called her husband over and placed his hand on her belly. Their child certainly was an active one as it didn’t take long for Mickey to feel the baby’s movement under the palm of his hand. It was a very special moment for the both of them as this little miracle would be the start of their little family.

Everything changed as soon as the third trimester hit. Backaches, swollen feet, and constant heartburn replaced the sudden burst of energy from the second trimester. Chrissie was more tired now more than ever and she had to pee more times than she could count. Mickey tried to make her feel as comfortable as possible but that was almost impossible as Chrissie was uncharacteristically irritable and moody.  The best thing that Mickey could do was to be as supportive as possible. He accompanied her to everyone of her doctor’s appointments, assured her that she was beautiful when she thought she was fat, gave her back and feet massages when she ached and provided a sympathetic ear when she needed to complain.

Towards the end of her pregnancy they decided to prepare for the labor by signing up for childbirth classes. As first time parents neither knew what to expect and the information given did reduce some of their fears. Chrissie practiced her breathing exercises almost everyday with Mickey as her coach.

As Chrissie due date neared the whole house was on high alert. They went to the hospital one night but they were sent home the next morning. Chrissie had experienced false labor which were only Braxton Hicks contractions

Two days later, Chrissie was walking to the bathroom to pee for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.  She felt a sudden gush of water from in between her legs and then she noticed that she was standing in a massive puddle. Her water broke and she screamed for her husband. This time it was for real and she knew she was definitely in labor.

Mickey’s first reaction was to panic but he knew that wouldn’t do them any good. He walked over to his wife put his arm around her and spoke in a calm voice. He assured her that everything would be fine as he took her hand and drove her to the hospital. Once he was able to calm her down, he wished that someone could do the same for him but he tried not to show it.

Being the first baby the labor lasted quite a long time but after ten hours of labor a healthy baby boy was delivered. The baby had blue eyes like both of his parents and eventhough it was still early to know for sure they knew he had to be an imaginary friend like his father. He wouldn't have the ability to transform into toy form for a while but one thing they were sure of he wasn't a vampire.

They decided to honor the man who brought them together by naming their first son after him so the full name on the birth certificate was Ronald Baylor Seaworth.  They had already decided to call him Bae for short.

As Chrissie laid him down in the crib she started to worry. Bae was a little tiny person who was totally dependent on her and she wanted to make sure she did everything perfectly. In the hospital she had the nurses to help her but now she was on her own. Her mother was there but Starr wasn’t there 24/7 as she had a career. Starr was always off to one place or another to take photographs and she wasn’t handling the title of "Grandmother" too well.

Chrissie questioned everything that she did as she wasn’t sure if he was too cold or too warm and she was constantly watching him while he was sleeping just to make sure he was breathing.

Mickey helped with the baby as much as he could but he also had worries although his worries were different than Chrissie’s. The fact that Dimitri was still out there weighed heavily on Mickey's mind.  Dimitri is a powerful vampire which meant Mickey was always at a disadvantage, but he needed to protect his wife and his child from that monster. He talked to Chrissie about being turned but she wanted him to think about it just to be sure. In the past Dimitri manipulated Chrissie into turning vampires so this was always a sensitive subject for her.   She loved her husband for the person he was, but she also loved the idea of him living with her forever.  She asked him to think it through and whatever decision he made she would understand and support.

There were many times when Bae wouldn’t sleep and he would be extremely fussy. He lost all the color in his cheeks, his skin was dry and flaky, it had been a while since he wet his diaper and he started running a fever. The couple had to rush him to the hospital as he was suffering from dehydration. They put Bae on an IV to receive fluids and he was released in two days. When Bae returned home they increased the amount of water they were giving him but yet it happened again and they had to return back to the hospital to put the baby back on an IV.

Starr and Nick seen how worried the couple was and they suggested that a new doctor be brought in to look at the baby. Nick called his brother’s house and asked his sister-in-law Cora if she would come to see the baby. Cora was a pediatrician who specialized in supernatural children and she was top in her field. If anyone would be able to figure out what was wrong with Bae she would.

Chrissie: Thank you for coming down on such short noticed Aunt Cora.

Cora: Don’t worry about the notice as it doesn’t take long for us. This is where I need to be if your little boy is in trouble

Chrissie: I’m always giving him extra bottles of water after nursing him but he is always getting dehydrated and no one can figure out why.

Cora: I’ll do what I can to help. There you are little Bae, let Aunt Cora take a look at you.

Cora knew exactly what was wrong the minute she looked at Bae and she walked over to the bathing table and poured some crystals into the bath water and proceeded to bath Bae. After she was finished she placed Bae back into the crib so she could talk to his parents.

Cora: Mickey I have a question for you and your family medical history. I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting your parents at the wedding. Are they both Imaginary Friends?

Mickey: My mother is an Imaginary Friend but my father is a mermaid

Cora: Well that explains that. Your son is more in need of water on the outside of his body as well as the inside. Salt water to be exact Bae is a mermaid.  His scales will develop within  a year.

Chrissie: A mermaid? I thought he could only be an Imaginary Friend or a Vampire.

Cora: Sometimes it can skip a generation as Bae is indeed a mermaid. My advice is to bathe him often and add special sodium bicarbonate crystals that I will prescribe to his bath water. That should be fine for now but eventually he is going to need to live in a warmer climate closer to the ocean.

Chrissie: We can move to your home Isla Paradiso. I’m sure your parents and your sisters will be happy to have you closer to them again.

Mickey: Chrissie do you know what you are saying? You are a vampire how are you going to handle all the sunlight?

Chrissie: I don’t care about myself it’s Bae I’m worried about. I’ll ask Grandma Holly to make me some of that special sunscreen.

Mickey: I’m worried about both of you and there is the Dimitri problem we have to consider. We are still living with your parents for a reason.

Chrissie: Dimitri will not be a problem if we move to Isla Paradiso.  Remember the sunlight Isla Paradiso is the last place he would look for me and it is also the last place he would go to.

Mickey: I just wish I could be that sure.

Chrissie: This is a decision that we need to make together. You heard my Aunt, Bae is going to need to live near the ocean and right now his health and well being comes before our own. I say the right decision is to move.

Mickey: I still have concerns but I do believe you have a point. I’ll call my parents and let them know we are moving back home.

Mickey did have worries that he still couldn’t shake even though he did agree that Chrissie’s reasoning did make sense. Moving was the right thing to do because if it wasn’t for Dimitri he would have agreed to it without hesitation. His sister was in law enforcement and Chrissie’s grandfather would continue to pay for round the clock security but he still wanted to be able to protect his family himself. He continued to contemplate the decision to be turned and spoke again to his wife who once again wanted him to make the decision on his own.

He did speak to both of his in laws about his decision and Nick promised to help him develop his new abilities if he chooses to be turned but it wasn’t until he talked with Starr that he made the final decision.

As both Chrissie and Nick were born vampires Starr was not so he asked her why she decided to be changed. Her answer was for love of her family. Chrissie had asked that they always be together but it was also for her husband. Starr knew that if anything happened to Nick she would be devastated and she never wanted to leave Nick to feeling that same way. Mickey knew that if he didn’t change at one point or another he would be taken away from Chrissie and he would never rest in peace knowing she would be mourning him.

As an Imaginary Friend he would never be able to be turned so Mickey knew he needed some help. Starr called her father over who cast a spell on Mickey. He was a human temporarily and if Chrissie turned him during this time he would stay a vampire.

Chrissie: Bae is a little fussy tonight and won’t sleep why don’t you change into a toy as that always seems to quiet him down.

Mickey: I can’t

Chrissie: Why not?

Mickey: Because I finally decided, I want you to change me.

Chrissie: Are you absolutely sure. I don’t want you making this decision because of Dimitri.

Mickey: I’m not making this decision because of Dimitri at all. I’m doing this because I promised to be by your side forever and that is exactly what I intend to do.

To be Continued.........

Author's Note: Chrissie's lifetime wish was completed by turning Mickey into a vampire but she still is only level 6 on her career.  This chapter is the last in Aurora Skies as the next time they will be in their own house in Isla Paradiso.  

A little confession Bae was not born a mermaid at all.  He was actually born a vampire but I used Master Controller to change him.  I'm already carrying too many immortals and the last thing I needed was to go on a string of vampires. There is nothing stated in the Going Solo rules saying I cannot manipulate lifestates so I did.  I was going to change him to IF but due to the nature of Bae's upcoming story a mermaid would make more sense. I did have the family connection to explain it so I ran with it.

I would like to thank Jazen for loan of Cora Gruber.  Here are the links to her blogs with her amazing stories on them.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Chapter 75-Parenting 101

The pregnancy symptoms kicked in right away as Chrissie was constantly tired and had no energy at all.  She seemed to have a bionic nose that could detect any smell from far away and odors that never bothered her before made her feel queasy and nauseous.  They call it morning sickness but it to hit her at any time of the day.   The nausea was so bad she prayed for it to go away, but sadly that was not the case as the nausea lingered on and was always there.

Mickey was a nervous wreck but didn't want to show it as he figured the last thing she needed was to see him panic.   Whenever she would clutch her stomach he knew exactly what to expect next she would cover her mouth, gag and make a mad dash to the bathroom.   Mickey brought her damp cloths to wipe her forehead and he reassured her that all of this was temporary and would soon pass.

He would bring her ginger ale, dry crackers or anything she asked for.  In the morning it was a breakfast of ginger tea and dry toast always served to her in bed.  He gave her a backrubs to relax her, held her when she needed comfort and gave her some space when she wanted to be alone.  He did indeed feel helpless while he watched her suffer so he did anything he could to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

Chrissie needed to rest often and she took frequent naps.  Mickey would watch her sleep and think about their future as he knew they couldn’t live in this house forever.  Chrissie’s parents insisted they live there for as long as they needed because that sadistic vampire who tried to kill his wife not once but twice was still out there somewhere.  He even tried to kill Chrissie as a child so the baby that she carried was also considered to be a possible target.  He did make a promise that he would do anything in his power to keep his wife and child safe from that monster no matter what measures he had to take.

Meanwhile at Wolfie and Abby’s house:

A surprise was waiting for Wolfie one day after he finished recording his newest song.  All four of his grandchildren from his eldest son Denny were waiting for him to arrive home.  Many years have passed since Abby and Wolfie petitioned the court for guardianship and there was a bitter custody battle.  It was a battle Wolfie was determined to win as he would not repeat the mistake of allowing the Goodfellows to raise his flesh and blood ever again.

The two oldest Cory and Wayne were already influenced to go into a life of crime and were sentence to live in a juvenile detention center until they became of legal age.  Once their mother Gretchen gave her consent to the guardianship, Wolfie pulled some strings and the two were transferred to a military school.  The two have been on the straight and narrow ever since.  Cory is now living in Riverview and is working as a fashion designer.  Wayne travels a lot due to his band touring as he inherited his grandfather’s talent for music. 

The youngest Brooks doesn’t have any memories of his father and the only memories of his mother were on visiting day at the prison.  His grandparents were the only caretakers he ever knew.  He lives in Appaloosa Plains and eventually became a veterinarian who specializes in race horses.

The only child who was not born a fairy and still lives in Aurora Skies is Carson.  He graduated law school and is now working in the Aurora Skies district attorney’s office. 

Wolfie: This certainly is a surprise; it’s not often that I see all four of you together. 

Carson:  Grandpa Wolfie we received some bad news from the warden at Simcatraz.  Our mother passed away last night.

Wolfie:  I’m sorry for your loss.  You shouldn't have to worry about the funeral arrangements as I will make sure that is all taken care of.

Cory:  Wayne, Brooks and I flew in as soon as we heard the news.  We have some legal issues that we need to take care of first and we have all made these decisions long before now.

Wayne:  We knew our mother was not well so it was only a matter of time. However she did send every one of us letters and in each she says that she is grateful that you and Grandma Abby gave us a good life and so are we.

Carson:  One thing she stresses in each letter is that the shares of Landgraab Industries that she inherited from Dad never end up with the Goodfellows.  While she was in prison they tried to make her sign them over but she always refused.

Brooks:  Mama never trusted them and neither do we.  That is why we have all legally changed our names to Landgraab as we should have no ties to the name Goodfellow nor do we want them. 

Cory: Carson drew up all the legal documents and they have been signed.  We have been discussing this for some time now and we decided that this should be something we would all do together as a family.

Carson:  Grandpa we are signing over all 49% of Landgraab Industries back to you.  Our father obtained them with malicious intent and we all know the events that transpired on the day he died.  Despite our father’s actions you took us in and gave all of us a good life that we would have never had otherwise.

Wolfie: All of you are my grandchildren just like Starr and Chrissie.  I wanted to take care of all of you and give you a good life.  I’m honored that you are taking the Landgraab name as that is your birthright.  The shares are another story; do you know how much money those shares generate?

Carson:  The money doesn’t matter to us but you, Grandma Abby and the love that you gave us does.  We all feel that this is the right thing to do and we intend to do it.  Mama also knew and she was fine with our plans.  She said that she made plenty of bad choices in her life but giving you and Grandma Abby her support in the custody battle was the best choice she could have ever made. She told each of us all that she was proud of the way we turned out, but not proud that we were better off being raised with someone other than herself.

Wayne:  You made it possible for Cory and I to be released from juvie and I can’t begin to tell you what it was like in there.  Without you and Grandma, I would hate to think about what would have happened to all of us.

Wolfie:  I’m glad that your Grandma and I did get to raise you and we are proud of the people you have become. I only wish I would have had the same opportunity with your father so that maybe he would have never turned to a life of crime.  Of course I can’t be sure look what happened with your Aunt Valerie.

Carson:  Aunt Valerie is another subject I needed to bring up.  As you know I am not permitted to work on her case but I am keeping tabs on the situation.  I don’t think her appeal is going to help her any.  We are all going to have to face the fact that the evidence against her is overwhelming and she will be in Simcatraz for a very long time.  

Wolfie:  Your Grandmother is already troubled by this whole mess; she is not going to be happy about this information.  Grandma and I will have to make arrangements to visit your Aunt after the funeral of course.  I will start notifying the family at once as I’m sure that they will be there to show their support.  I want each and everyone of you to know that you will always be members of a large and loving family and we will all be there for you whenever you need us.

Two weeks later at Simcatraz:

Visiting this place always depressed both Wolfie and Abby.  It was dirty, dark and gloomy and both of them hated the idea that this would be the place that Valerie would have to call home.  

They did have one advantage as they were always ushered through the back and was able to visit their daughter in one of the interrogation rooms. When the news of Valerie’s crimes hit the press the tabloids had a field day with the story.  The paparazzi that followed Wolfie Landgraab caused way too much commotion as they all wanted to get a picture of the rock star and his jail bird daughter.  Finally the warden had no choice but to grant special visiting rules for the Landgraabs to avoid the uproar and pandemonium.  Even with the special visitation the Landgraabs had to follow some rules.  They had to make appointments and their visit must be approved by the warden.  They had to follow a strict dress code and dress conservatively and modestly.  No denim or any colors that resembled prisoner attire were permitted to be worn.  They needed to remember not to wear anything that couldn’t pass through a metal detector as they would be search before they could enter.  All they were allowed to bring in with them was their identification and quarters for the vending machines as Valerie might miss her meal.  

A female prison guard escorted Valerie into the room and she would remain outside guarding the door for the entire visit.  It was clear that Valerie had some trouble as she was sporting a shiner.  Being a wolf she could hold her own but sometimes someone else would get the better of her. Life in prison was not easy and Valerie hated every minute of it.

They would be allowed to hug or touch once at the beginning and the end of each visit, but no physical contact was allowed during the visit.  Seeing Valerie like this always brought tears to Abby's eyes as no matter what Valerie did she was still her baby girl.

Valerie:  Is there any news about when you are going to get me out of this hell hole?

Wolfie:  From what I hear it doesn't look good for your appeal.

Valerie:  Daddy you promised I would be out of here by now and yet I’m still here.

Abby:  That is not what your father promised.  He promised to help and he hired you the best defense attorney he could find. 

Valerie:  A lot of good that did me.  That so called shark you hired turned out to be nothing more than a jelly fish.  He wanted me to plead guilty.

Wolfie:  He said that was the best course of action to get you a lighter sentence.  You were guilty and there was plenty of evidence to support that.  You didn’t give him much to work with.

Valerie:  Ughhhh!  I can’t believe I came from a family of such imbeciles!  Daddy there are other ways you could have arranged for my release!

Abby: Your father did everything he possibly could.

Valerie:  Oh puh-lease!  You can’t tell me you are that dumb that you believe his bull shit!

Wolfie:  Now listen here I will not have you talking to your mother like that.  Your mother has been worried sick about you being in this place and so have I.

Valerie: If you were so worried you would get me out of here.  Anything can be arranged for the right price especially when you have your connections.  You pulled strings for Denny's brats.

Wolfie: That was different.  The crimes they committed were no where near as serious as yours and let us not forget they were minors.  They were in juvie and they weren't released.  They finished their sentence in a military school instead.

Abby:  You can’t be suggesting that your father break the law just so you can be released from prison.

Valerie: You are damn right I am!  He would do it for his precious Sandi or the Golden Boy but for me nothing as usual.  It’s just like when we were growing up they got everything and me NADA!

Wolfie:  There were no favorites among any of you.  We gave all of you a good life and anything you ever wanted.  Maybe we gave you too much as you seem to be acting like a spoiled brat!  Where you ever got this idea that we preferred your brothers or sisters over you I have no idea.  We taught you right from wrong but it’s a lesson you didn’t seem to learn.  Now you want me to break the law so I can get you off with a slap on the wrist.  Well that is not going to happen. 

Valerie:  It figures you would say that.  I should have expected this.  I have seriously had enough with both of you.  Maybe I can get myself out of her with my dividends for my Landgraab Industry stock.  You can use that.

Wolfie: You no longer have any stocks in Landgraab Industry.  I had to pull them back as I have with most of the family stock. 

Valerie:  You pulled them back?

Wolfie:  After the hostle take over attempt I pulled most of the family stock back and only the heir apparents have shares.  Your Grandfather's will gave me the right to do this if I feel it is necessary. After you tried to sell your shares to Denny, I didn’t think they were that important to you. 

Valerie:  Well where is the money going to?  What's the matter you don’t have enough to line your pockets you need that too?

Wolfie:  I’ll tell you where that money is going to YOUR CHILDREN!  Do you remember them?   Jackson and Mariah?  Do you even remember their names?   We have a relationship with them how come you do not?  I know they haven’t been here to visit you because they want nothing to do with you!  Thankfully they have good fathers who take care of them and I have made sure that are well provided for.  I set up trust funds for them as I have for all of my grandchildren.  I can’t believe the nerve on you to accuse your mother and I of favoring your brother and sister, but you forgot about your own children?

Valerie:  THAT’S IT!  I have had enough of the two of you!   Don’t you even think of coming back here unless you arrange for my release!  I don’t want to see either of you anymore as I get sick just looking at the two of you.  Just get out of here and I won’t be accepting any visits from either of you.

Wolfie:  Now that you had your say, I am going to have mine.  You had every opportunity to make a good life for yourself. You never wanted for anything because we gave you everything you needed. We gave you a good education, bought you a nice house to live in, you married three good men that you let slip through your fingers and you have two wonderful children who have neglected.  Some people would be jealous of the life you had and yet it wasn’t enough.  You threw it all away for this Shane person and this senseless revenge against your brother. 

Your mother and I will always love you whether you want to believe it or not. I will not break the law for you and you are going to have accept your punishment.  I will have your lawyer call you if there is any more information you need.  You want us to go we will and we won’t be back until you change your attitude.

There was not much more for Wolfie and Abby to do or say at this point as Valerie was not listening to a word they had to say.   All they could do is walk away and leave their daughter behind to pay for her crimes.  They really did try to teach all of their children right from wrong and somehow four out of the five learned that lesson.  Both were quiet on the ride home as neither one of them knew how their sweet little girl grew up so angry, vindictive and full of hate.  They never favored Sandi, Tyrone, Eddie or Ebony over Valerie but she somehow convinced herself that she was not as important to them.  Nothing could be further than truth as they indeed loved and cared for each and every one of their children.

When they arrived home the portal was in front of their house and they expected to see Grandma Holly and Grandpa Emmett.  

When they walked into the house they were surprised as Victor, Abby’s father was waiting for them.  He lived 4000 years in the future and served as a caretaker in Holly and Emmett’s house.  He preferred to spend all of his time there and rarely did he come to the past. 

Abby: Daddy what are you doing here?

Victor: Isn’t it obvious I have come to see my daughter and her husband.  It looks like something is wrong by the looks on your faces.

Wolfie: Victor we do love to see you but I’m sure you already know what the problem is and that is why my Grandparent’s sent you here.

Victor:  Living in the future does have its advantages. Yes I do know about Valerie and the horrible visit you had today.  Your Grandparents and I knew that both of you would be going through a hard time and you needed some support.

Abby: I don’t know how this happened or how I failed so badly with Valerie.  Something has gone terribly wrong with my baby girl and I don't know how to fix it.  What I want to do now is take that time portal and do it all again but this time better.

Victor:  Well my sweet Abigail, you know that is possible as we do have to ability to travel through time but this is strictly against the rules of the mission.  I do assure both of you, if you turned that clock back you wouldn’t do anything different as you haven't done anything wrong.  You loved each and every one of your children with all you heart, and you did a much better job at parenting than I ever did.  When they were little you helped them make their choices until it was time for them to make their own.  They all became adults and your job was finished.  You gave them the knowledge they all needed to live respectable lives.  Valerie made some very bad choices which neither one of you had anything to do with.  After you knew what she did you helped her even though you didn’t condone her actions.  You aren’t going to abandon her or stop loving her even after that blow out at the prison today.  You will be back there when she needs you and she will need you again no matter what she said to you today. What you have done is exactly what good parents would do.

Abby still had tears in her eyes as she hugged her father and Wolfie stood there silently while thinking about everything his father-in-law said.  Victor was right the Landgraabs did the best for all of their children.  They raised five children and four grandchildren and Valerie was only one of them.

Victor:  I do hope it is ok for me to hang out here for a couple of days?

Wolfie: Of course Victor, you are always welcome here.

Victor:  I wasn’t able to attend the wedding so I want to see my Granddaughter and meet her husband.

Abby:  I will call and let them know that we are on our way.

Victor:  Let me change first as these clothes will not be in style for another 4000 years.

A little later on at Starr’s house:

Victor was happy to be reunited with his grandchildren as he had not seen them in a long time.  Chrissie and Taylor were little girls but now he seen that they had grown into beautiful women.  He had not met Alicia yet and he adored his little granddaughter.

Victor did not come empty handed as he had a few gifts.  The one for Mickey made especially for him by Holly and the card on the gift simply read:

When the time comes you will need this potion.  No one will have to tell when but I promise you that you will know.

He handed Chrissie a package which was a gift from him to the baby.  By accident he kept referring to the child as his new grandson and even used the name Bae.  Chrissie realized the child she was carrying had to be a boy as neither her nor Mickey told anyone the chosen names.  

The gifts were opened later and Mickey did receive a potion which was labled:
"Potent Cure"

Chrissie opened the gift to find the cutest little sailor suit for a toddler along with a toy shark and a toy boat.

To be continued…….