Saturday, August 2, 2014

Chapter 41-Postpartum Depression

This chapter was originally posted on 6/23/14

The day Sandi brought her daughter home from the hospital should have been a happy one, but her husband who she loved dearly was still missing and now she was faced with the reality of raising their child by herself.  Usually Sandi was the type to fight back, but this time uncharacteristically she withdrawn into herself and spent her days crying.

Sandi did not even have the desire to hold or take care of her newborn daughter.  Caleb thought it was because she needed rest and then he thought it was some more moodiness due to the pregnancy and childbirth.  He didn't mind taking care of his little niece as she was the apple of his eye, but he knew something was not right with Sandi.

This was the girl who took everything he dished out at her and she handed it back tenfold.  The girl was a fighter and she had attitude, but somehow she lost her will to fight.

All Sandi could do was lie in her bed and sleep and when she wasn't sleeping she was depressed and crying.

Caleb tried talking to her but she wasn't listening to him.  He had to go to work and someone had to take care of Starr and in the condition Sandi was in she couldn't and wouldn't.  Caleb decided to call someone who might be able to get through to her.

Caleb:  Mr. Landgraab, we have a little situation here....

Wolfie came over as soon as possible could.  At first he went to admire his Granddaughter, yet another girl for him to worry about.  Karma was really coming back to bite him in the rear.

Wolfie: She's a beauty and looks just like you when you were a baby.  We have a new member of the pack.  Grandpa Wolfie is going to teach you everything he knows.

Sandi:  Dad I'll be downstairs in the office.

It was when he seen his daughter leave the room that he fully understood what Caleb was saying. This was not the same girl he raised and somehow he had to bring her back.

Wolfie:  Ok kiddo, it’s just you and I now.  I put the baby down for her nap.  Talk to me.

Sandi: About what.

Wolfie: You are not yourself Sandi and everyone can see it, and from what I hear you haven't even held your daughter for more than 5 seconds.

Sandi: It wasn't supposed to be this way.  Dylan should be here with me, helping me with our daughter.  It’s been months Daddy and no one has a clue where he is.  I just cannot deal with anymore of this.

Wolfie: No it wasn't supposed to be this way, but it is.  You are just going to have to face the facts that you might have to raise this child on your own.

Sandi: But I don't want to, I want Dylan back.  I never felt so helpless in my life.

Wolfie: What happen to Dylan was terrible and we are all praying for his safe return.  Do you think Dylan would want you giving up like this, crying over the fact that he is not here and ignoring the needs of your child? 

Sandi: Of course he wouldn't, but how can I do this on my own.

Wolfie: Sandi you are not the first person in this family to raise a child on your own but all of us managed to do so.  You're strong enough, you can do this and you have plenty of family to help.  We are all here for you.

Wolfie: I have to go now but if you need me, I'm only a phone call away.

Wolfie left and for the first time Sandi was alone with the baby.  She went to her crib and hugged her child for the first time.  She felt Dylan's presence as she held Starr close to her.  She was on her way to recovery when there was a commotion outside.

With Dylan out of the way and the baby born, Brandon decided to put his plan in motion. He came for Sandi and tonight he would have her in his bed and tomorrow she would be carrying his child.

Brandon:  SANDI!  SANDI!  Come on babe time to take you to your new home.

He screamed this constantly as he broke his way into the house.

Sandi: Brandon get out of my house, I have a restraining order and I'll arrest you myself for violating it.

Brandon: Oh come on babe!  You are taking this hard to get routine a little bit too far.  You are coming with me, call a babysitter for the kid.  I'm going to show you how a real man woohoos

Sandi: I'm not going anywhere with you.


Caleb had returned home and as fast as lightning he was all over Brandon.

Caleb:  Sandi, go upstairs with the baby.  I'll take out the trash.

Caleb: I'm warning you Alto you come near Sandi or this house again, I'll kill you myself with my bare hands.  Right now, you are under arrest for violation of a restraining order, breaking and entering and attempted kidnapping.

Brandon Alto, you have the right to remain silent.......

Meanwhile upstairs:

Mother and Daughter bonded.

Sandi:  Don't you worry my sweet little Starr.  That crazy man won't hurt us.  Uncle Caleb is taking care of him right now.   If he comes back, Mama is going to release the wolf on him.

Before they knew it, it was time for Starr's birthday.  Sandi must have learned more from her mother than even she knew as she baked the birthday cake.  She hoped it tasted as good as it looked.

The whole family started to show up as they all did for every birthday.

Most of them stood outside in the rain.

Wolfie must have done something wrong because Jules is questioning him.

Nice to see that these two are still romantic.

Time for the main event.

Uncle Caleb seems to be the only one celebrating this birthday.

Everyone else is either dancing or outside.

Sandi helps Starr blow out the candle (btw Sandi served the coffee on her own, I didn't direct her to do it)

And here is baby Starr, we will get a better picture at the mirror.

She looks a lot like Sandi.  I was hoping she would get Sandi's elven ears but I guess she got her ears from Dylan.  Both Sandi and Dylan had blue eyes and the only other relative I can think of with brown eyes is Dahlia Goodfellow.

Her traits are Artistic and Eccentric.

To be continued:

Bonus shots:

Now that the cake has been served they all come in.

If a birthday falls on a full moon I usually turn it off.  Obviously I forgot to do so this time.

Holly is terrified, but she didn't pass out.  Verne turned to a zombie, I thought I got a picture but I can't find it.

Starr passed out

The Evil Witch passed out

Abby always passes out and she is a werewolf herself.

Look who tried to crash the party and has the hots for Caleb.

And finally Emmett the blue haired time traveling werewolf.


  1. Haha, what a birthday party :D
    I usually hate it when one of my sim's kids grows up looking exactly like one of the parents, but at least she has someone else's eyes and ears?

  2. Wow, mischief has it right, what a birthday.

  3. LMAO, all the people fainting, and all the people changing to werewolves. It's just so funny when they all pass out even though some of them are wolves themselves... >_> Abby... LOL.
    I had an inkling Brandon would come around at some point after the police protection was taken off of Sandi, but wow, he's really dumb considering Caleb lives there now and Sandi isn't pregnant anymore. LOL. He cracked me up when he said "I'm going to make you pregnant by tomorrow" as if it happens that quickly. It was hilarious though, and I guess no one ever said Brandon was smart... Hahaha. :)

    1. It is funny but I usually turn off the full moon at parties. I know its funny but Abby always faints when someone transforms to werewolf form. LOL

      Brandon was waiting for Sandi to have the baby but he is sadly mistaken if he thinks she will let him get away with that. Even if he gets through her there is Caleb to consider too and Caleb knocked him from here to tomorrow.

      Brandon is a crazy one and he doesn't think logically at all so he truly thinks his swimmers are that strong. LOL

      Thank you for reading.

  4. I'm so glad Sandi finally got past her grief and bonded with Starr! Emmett looks cute as a werewolf lol.

    1. Sandi does have a strong personality but everyone has their breaking point. Just too much was happening all at once. I love Emmett as a werewolf too :)

  5. Way to go Caleb! Yes, take 'em down. I'm so glad Brandon got what he deserved. Poor Sandi. I feel so bad for the girl and now her baby, Starr. I did love Emmett the time traveling wolf. Lol. What an exciting birthday!

    1. All of these was way too much for even someone as strong as Sandi to handle. All she needed was a push into the right direction to start bonding with her daughter. Caleb did run in and save the day :)
