Friday, August 8, 2014

Chapter 48-Girls just want to have fun

Why does it seem that whenever life seems to be perfect, something always has to come along to change that?  Did all of this really come out of the blue?  Or did this happen gradually and the signs were just ignored?  Sandi thought she was a good mother but obviously she failed.  The only thing she was sure of is that Starr was out of control and something had to be done about it.

She was in the house one morning thinking about how life couldn't be better.  Caleb and Valerie were getting married, Dylan was loving his new job and she finally made the decision to tell Dylan that she was ready to have another child, however that is when the phone rang and changed everything.

It was Starr's guidance counselor, her grades were atrocious and she was disrespectful to all of her teachers when she bothered to show up for school.  Sandi had no idea what happened to her sweet little girl who was on the honor roll and never caused any trouble.  She decided to wait until Dylan came home so they both could talk to Starr together.

Dylan knew immediately something was wrong when he arrived home.  Usually Sandi was all smiles when he walked through the door but tonight her face was more serious and he could tell something was wrong.

Sandi:  Dylan we need to talk about Starr.  The school called up, she is skipping school and her grades are not good.  I have been trying to call her all day but her phone keeps going to voice mail.  I can't find her anywhere, I called everyone and no one has seen her.  It is starting to get late and I am getting worried.  I already called Caleb and he has the whole police force looking for her.

Dylan:  I'm sure she will be home, she probably just lost track of time.

Sandi:  I can't go through this a second time.  I'm going out to look for her myself.

Dylan:  I'll come with you

Sandi: No you need to stay here in case she comes home.

Dylan:  I really do not want you out there by yourself when you are worried sick like this.

Sandi:  I'll be fine I used to be a cop.

Dylan:  Great now I have two of you to worry about.

Starr was at The Grind working on her third Neon Breeze.  Her phone rang several times and each time her mother's name appeared she just hit the ignore button.  This city that her mother dragged her too left a lot to be desired.

That guy Spencer who she met on the first day,  she was sure he wasn't one of the cool kids.  Than she met the rest of the kids and to her surprise, Spencer was the cream of the crop.  Starr needed a night of fun and she was going to have one, whether her mother liked it or not.

She started to feel a buzz from the nectar and the DJ was rocking the place. Starr couldn't hold back any more she needed to move her body, so she jumped on top of the bar and started to dance.  This was the first real fun she had after moving to this God forsaken city.  She never realized how late it was and truthfully she didn't even care.

Closing time came sooner than she expected so it was time to go home.  She was hoping to be able to sneak in without being noticed however that would be impossible now that she had a chauffeured ride home in a police car.  Her mother was going to kill her when she got home but maybe she could charm her father into letting her off easy.

Dylan was first relieved to see his daughter walk through the door safe but than he was livid.  How could she just go off like that worrying both him and her mother half to death.

Dylan:  Where have you been all night?  You know that your mother is worried sick and she is out there looking for you right now!

Starr:  I wasn't doing anything wrong I just went out dancing.

Dylan:  A school dance doesn't end this late!  Where did you go dancing?  And is that nectar I smell on your breath?  You were at a dance club weren't you?

Starr:  ummmm I guess so.

Dylan:  You are not old enough to go to a dance club.  Now I want you to go upstairs to bed and your mother and I will talk to you in the morning.

Starr: Please Daddy you can't tell Mom.  I promise I won't do this again.  Please Daddy Please

Dylan:  Nice try but no.  I'm calling your mother now and we will talk in the morning.  Now do what I said and go upstairs to bed.

He picked up his phone and called Sandi and told her that Starr was safe and that she should come back home.  The next call he made was to Caleb, to tell him to end the police search.  He still couldn't get over the fact that while they were worrying about Starr, she was out partying at some club.

The next morning Starr was feeling the effects of the night before while her parents sat her down for a talk.

Sandi: You never done anything like this before, can you explain to us why this happened?

Starr:  I just wanted to have a little fun.  I hate the school here and I miss my friends.  I want to go back home.

Sandi:  This is your home now, well at least while you are still living with us.

Starr:  Whatever!

Dylan:  I understand how you feel.  Your Uncle Caleb and I didn't fit in when we first moved to Moonlight Falls, it took time.  You will see a year from now things will be different.

Starr: Well if you understand than everything should be fine.

Dylan:  Everything is not fine, you broke several rules last night and this type of behavior will not be tolerated.  I do understand how you feel but you are not off the hook.

Sandi:  You are actually in more trouble than you know.  The school called me up yesterday and we know about your attendance record and your grades.  We decided that you will be grounded until your grades improve to at least a B.  I will also be dropping you off and picking you up from school everyday.

Starr:  That will take forever!  I promise never to do this again and I will study.  Please give me a break this one time.

Sandi:  Your father and I have already decided.  We know you have a paper due in history, so you better get started.

Starr:  This is so unfair!  I HATE YOU BOTH!

She stormed out of the room and upstairs to her bedroom.  Grounded!  For God only knows how long! She had to get out of this fast when suddenly she knew what to do.  She knew enough about Spencer to know he was a brain, so she called him over for help.

Starr:  Spencer please can you help me.  My parents are grounding me until my grades improve and I have this history paper due.

Spencer: I would be happy to help you write it.

Starr:  I was actually hoping that you would write it for me.  I would be sure to get an A if you could do this little favor for me.

Spencer: But that is cheating.

Starr knew she couldn't get an A on this paper herself so she had to convince him.

Starr:  You know Spencer darling, if I'm grounded I can't go out on any dates and I was so hoping that we could go out maybe to the movies one night.  What do you say?  Will you do this one favor for me. please?

Spencer: Well maybe just this one time.

To be continued......


  1. wow....OMG Starr is more than an handful and I thought Davis was bad LOL. Poor Sandi and Dylan will go gray early dealing with her and this behavior will probably make Sandi rethink having a second child.

    That teen rebellious stage has hit hard. This should be a fun ride. :D Can't wait!!!

    1. Sandi and Dylan have their work cut out for them with this one, she is more trouble than Davis and Wolfie put together. We only got a taste of her antics right now, there is much more to come.

  2. Look at all that teen rebellion. It's beautiful. lol Sandi and Dylan are going to have their hands full for sure.

    1. Hurricane Starr has hit Aurora Skies and Sandi and Dylan are going to have a helluva time controlling her. We are only at the beginning.

  3. I guess Starr doesn't fear Alpha wolf momma. lol, Dylan and Sandi have a handful alright. I see Spencer is going to be the one she could hope and dream for right in front of her? Curious about that. That party animal trait is going strong! Can't wait for the next installment.

  4. Having fun with the party animal trait, she is always turning music on and dancing so this is a fun trait. She started dancing on the bar on her own, I never directed her to do so,

    Starr does not have much fear of anything and she is certainly going to cause a lot of trouble for Sandi and Dylan. Spencer could be that one but there is much more coming up.

  5. Hihi Starr is so the opposite of her mom and dad, its funny. I see dark days for Sandi and Dylan. Grey hair is coming for those two. And Sandi thought she was ready for another :) Don't think so not with Starr in the house.LOL

    1. Sandi and Dylan were never rebellious like this but Starr is the typical rebellious teenager and she is trouble.

      Just wait for another update and you will soon find out what happens when Sandi and Dylan try for another. They will really have their hands full.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I do adore Starr, haha! She's gonna be one of my favourites I think! Too bad about the partying, it could have been so beautiful! :P

  8. Nice try Starr, but your parents are a united front! No hope to play one against the other or get one to keep secrets. Poor Spencer, I have a feeling he is in for a wild time with her. She just needs to bat her eyelashes and he'll do whatever she says. I have a feeling Starr will be getting to know Aurora Skies' finest quite well in her lifetime.

    1. Spencer is not even a challenge for Starr and that is just the way she likes it. She is a frequent visitor at the police station, luckily for her she has two uncles working there.

  9. LOL I love the pics with her dancing. She looks sooo cool.

    1. She is a fun character to play and write for. Doing something different with her.

  10. Damn Starr, skipping school and getting bad grades. LOL. Of course your parents would tell you to knock it off. Silly girl.
    Awww poor Spencer, he's fallen into her trap of being strung along as the person who does her homework. T_T

    1. Starr is the typical rebellious teenager and skipping school, bad grades and hating her parents go along with it. Like it or not Sandi and Dylan had to lay down the law for her own good which Starr needed to find a way out of. She has no problem using poor Spencer for this and he has no objections to being used if it means Starr will be nice to him.

      Thanks for reading. :)

  11. Replies
    1. Starr is definitely good at manipulation. She has that mastered to an art especially when a guy is involved.

  12. oh my. Starr is really a handfull.

    1. She definitely is a handful and she is just beginning.

  13. I love Starr's style, but her attitude needs improvement. That pic of her dancing on the bar was pretty awesome. But what a little manipulator! *sigh*

    1. Yep that is Starr a master manipulator and her attitude does change a bit, it gets worse.
