Monday, July 28, 2014

Chapter 11-The Honeymoon is over

This chapter was originally posted on 12/20/13

Chris left work early with good news for Rose.  The laws to prevent waste management companies from polluting the water had just passed.  She would be happy and so were many of the citizens supporting the issue.   What Chris didn't know was Rose was going to be very happy to see him home early for a very different reason.

Jareth knew that he had to get Rose to fall in love with him again, if he was ever to get those books out of publication, so he decided to pay her a visit while Chris was at work.

Out of the blue Jareth pulled Rose in and gave her a passionate kiss, which he soon found out, was a big mistake.  A very big mistake!

Rose: What in the world do you think you are doing?

Jareth: Rose I know you used to have feelings for me and I think you still do.  

Rose: That was only a school girl crush, it was never love

Jareth: Oh come on babe, you know you want me

Just at that moment they heard a door slam.

Chris: Alto!  Get your hands off of my wife!

Jareth: She loves me and you are going to have to deal with that

Rose: Excuse me but I do not and not have ever loved you.  Chris is the only man I will ever love.

Chris: Give me one good reason why I should let you walk out of here instead of being carried.  Just get out of this house and don't come back!

Jareth didn't argue any further, he left the house to decide what to do next.  He knew he had a problem, he could either deal with an angry werewolf husband or an angry mobster Uncle.  He was between a rock and a hard place.

In the end he decided to call his uncle, after all he was still family and maybe he would just get cut off financially instead of ......  Well he didn't even want to think of it.

Jareth: Uncle Nick I have run into a problem.  I can't even get near Rose because of her jealous werewolf husband.  I know my limitations and there is no way I can take a werewolf down.

Nick: We know about the werewolf, he is the same politician that has been causing us problems to begin with.  He won’t be a problem for you much longer, we are going to have him eliminated.

Jareth: Are you serious?  Are you really going to ........

Nick: You imbecile, I'm not exactly a Boy Scout leader now am I?  You know what business I am in.

Tomorrow when Rose comes home she is going to find out that her husband is gone and she will be in need of some comfort and that is where you come in.  Now I'm setting everything up for you, don't screw this up!

Rose came home from the doctor with some wonderful news for Chris and that is when her world came tumbling down.  She received a phone call from the police that Chris was found dead in his car.  A car bomb explosion and they suspected organized crime was behind this.

She had him buried in the yard and she spent most of her time mourning at his grave.

Rose: Chris I never even got the chance to tell you that......

Rose: you are going to be a father.  Our child will never know you.

Rose went into a deep depression and just spent her time sitting around reading when she wasn't crying her eyes out.  She wanted her mother and Emit but she didn't dare use the time portal in her condition.  She never felt more alone in her life so her guard was down when Jareth seen her sitting on the porch.

Jareth: Rose please don't get angry or send me away, I just came to say how sorry I am.  We were once friends and you helped me when my father died and I just want to be here for you.

To Jareth's surprise she hugged him.

Rose: Thank you for coming here, I needed a hug.  I never felt so alone in my life.

Jareth: You are not alone.  You have a little one on the way I see and......

Jareth: I am here for you

To be continued.......


  1. Gosh, they sure don't waste time, do they!! :O Poor Rose :/ She's clever, she'll figure it out! I hope!

  2. Rose bounces back quickly as soon as she is given the motivation :)

  3. Well that didn't take long! So sad he never knew about his kid.

    1. No The Altos didn't wast anytime they went straight to work. It is sad that he will never be able to see their child.

  4. Awww, Chris. T_T At least he got that law passed so the companies couldn't dump in the water anymore.
    Jareth seems like he's nice underneath his mean ways. When his uncle said he was going to kill Chris, he didn't seem too happy about that, and I think even though he was jumping from girl to girl earlier, Rose was always special to him.

    1. Chris was able to get some laws passed which angered the Altos, they knew they had to get rid of him so they acted quickly.

      Jareth is not really a mobster and really doesn't want to be involved with this. Truth be told all he wants to do fool around with all the women. To him Rose is the one he can not have and that make her a challenge to him. If Jareth ever did get her, he would treat her like all the rest.

  5. Awww RIP Chris :( I'm looking forward to seeing their baby.

    1. Killing Chris off was hard for me to do but sadly Rose's ltw called for her to see the ghost of her wealthy husband. She has a baby on the way so she will always have a part of him with her.

  6. Wow... a car bomb explosion! Poor guy! I was really pulling for him! I am angry at Jareth for weaseling his way in, but sheesh! I loved the line from Nick Alto - "I'm not exactly a Boy Scout leader." I wonder what will happen next. :)

  7. Replies
    1. Sadly the Altos were not playing games. They meant business which meant getting Chris out of the way.

      Jareth is working with them but clearly he isn't cut out for the job in any way shape or form. This works in their favor.

  8. Dammit. First casualty. Poor Chris.

    1. I felt bad for Chris and hated doing it. Well I'll blame Nick Alto for it.
