Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Chapter 18.2-Abigail Cardona

This chapter was originally posted on 3/2/14

Meanwhile at the Altos:

Vita aged up into an elder.  She also had Nick declared legally dead so she could remarry.  She requested Jareth to once again bring Abigail to see her she needed a progress report.

Vita: This is your last chance, you better tell me you have something we can use.  Your father is already living on borrowed time.

Abigail: This whole situation is making me sick, yes this time I have something you can use.  This information should pay my debt in full.

Vita: That depends on how good the information is.

Abby knew this was a betrayal would destroy her friendship with the only person who ever really believed in her.  Saying the words would truly make her sick but what choice did she have?  Her whole life was one disaster after another.

Abigail's story:

Abigail Cardona, grew up in Hidden Springs, her mother Renee died when she was a child.

Her father, Victor Cardona had a gambling addiction, he was unable to control.

He lost all their money and their home.  Sleeping in the park was a way of life for her ever since she was a child.

Her father's gambling was a true sickness, he always thought that he could hit it big if he had just a little bit more money.  Sometimes he won, but he lost it all over again.   Victor made the mistake of borrowing money from the local loan shark, Nick Alto's brother, Bert Alto.

Vita needed a young girl to help her with a special project.  Someone to gather information on a person she planned to blackmail, someone who would blend in and wouldn't be noticed, and most of all someone they could control.  Bert knew that the shy, ordinary and quiet daughter of the man who owed him a load of money would be perfect for the job.  The Alto family gave Abigail a choice to work for them or her father would be sleeping with the fishes. Abigail agreed to do this one last thing for her father, but after that she was never going to return to Hidden Springs again.  His gambling was not going to ruin her life anymore.  If he did not seek help, he was on his own.

Abigail doesn't remember how she arrived in Moonlight Falls or when Vita's new husband Argus Brown turned her into a werewolf.  All she remembers was waking up on the floor as a werewolf.

and Vita standing above her, shouting out orders.  When she thought that Wolfie was an egotistical womanizer, she had no problem with this assignment.  Now she knew him for the person he really was inside and he was wonderful.  How could she do this, but then again how could she not?

Vita: Well girl come on.  I don't have all day.

Abigail: He has a child out of wedlock.  The mother abandoned the baby on his doorstep and he doesn't know who the mother is.

Vita: The child out of wedlock is not out of the ordinary, but maybe if we could somehow find the mother that might work.  Honestly I do not know why so many women are attracted to him.

Just at that moment a girl walks in and Abigail recognizes her from the gym.

Abigail: Why don't you ask her?  She was one of his overnight guests.

To be continued....


  1. Poor Abby! I actually feel pretty bad for her now :/ I'm sorry I doubted you, Abby! :( Poor thing, this can't have been easy on her, either :/ I wonder what she'll do? If she'll tell Wolfie what she knows eventually?

    1. Abby is just as much a victim as Wolfie is, some explosive chapters are coming up soon.

  2. Ahh poor Abby. Her father's bad habits ruined her life, that is really awful. That stinks that she feels like she can't do anything but betray Wolfie. I think I recognize the Sim in the last picture.

    1. Abby is being blackmailed into helping them and she didn't mind when she thought he was a womanizing jerk. Than she got to know him and she found out he really wasn't that bad at all and she feels bad but if she doesn't her father's life is in danger.

      I was wondering if anyone would call me out on that one. Not many recognized her.
