Sunday, July 27, 2014

Chapter 9-Nothing is as it seems

This chapter was originally posted on 11/27/13

Authors Note-I decided to pick up where Rose comes home because nothing important to the story happens at university.  Basically I fast forwarded through uni just so she could get a degree.

The day after Rose came home from University, she received a phone call from Jareth.  It was like a dream come true to her because he actually asked her for a date.

She dressed quickly and ran out to meet him.

Jareth: Rose you are looking fine

Rose: (blushing) why thank you Jareth.  I missed you terribly while I was away.

Jareth: Well why don’t you come over to my place and you show me how much you missed me

Carly’s words about Jareth went through Rose’s head as she knew he wanted to woohoo, so she decided to find out exactly what his intentions were towards her before she took the next step.

Rose: My dear Jareth, I would love to but after we are married, you know we could have a private ceremony right here.

Jareth: Whoa!  Wait a minute who is talking marriage here?  I just want to have some fun but if you are not able to have an adult relationship

Rose: I’m perfectly able to but I’m not woohooing anyone who does not respect me.  You can just leave you are not half the man Chris is.

Jareth: (Laughing while saying the words) Chris?  Chris Landgraab?  You are kidding me right?  The blonde butthead!

Rose became infuriated at this point; it was at this time that she realized that it was Chris she loved all along.

Rose: Don’t you ever say anything about Chris again, or you will deal with me

Rose waves her hands around and turns Jareth into a toad

Rose: Why couldn’t I turn him into the snake he really is?  Call me again and you will wish you wouldn’t have.

She also made a mental note that she owed Carly a big apology and a thank you.

Rose left and search for Chris, who was at the fall festival; she ran up to him and jumped into his arms.  For the first time she told him she loved him and she knew she truly meant it.

He quickly grabbed her into her arms and kissed her.

Later than evening Rose proposed to Chris.

He accepted of course!

They went searching for houses the next day and finally settled on one that Rose called her dream house.  It just needed a swimming pool and a garden area and it would be perfect, they planned to move in right away.

Meanwhile in Sunset Valley:

Jareth: Uncle Nick and Aunt Vita.  You wanted to see me?

Nick: Jareth I only called you here because your father failed to get this little problem with the Wood woman and her daughter taken care of.  Now that my brother is no longer with us, it’s up to you

Vita: The woman has been writing some books that have been hurting our waste management businesses and we want her stopped.  We have been dumping in the water for years now but if these new laws get passed because of those books it will cost us millions.

Nick: Jareth we want those books out of print and burned.  Our sources tell us her daughter is infatuated with you, so this should be easy.

Jareth: But I thought Dad was trying to help her with fund raising?

Nick: That was what everyone was supposed to think, he was trying to get close to her.  Now its your turn to get close to the daughter.

Jareth: There is one problem.  The little witch is angry with me right now; I doubt she will give me the right time of day

Vita: That is not our problem, it’s yours.  You need to stop thinking with your zipper, so you won’t have these little problems.  You have a job to do and if you don’t we will cut you off without a cent.

Nick: Do whatever you have to do but take care of those books!  Capisce!

Back in Lunar Lakes:

Holly and Emit decided as soon as she finished writing all the books they would be moving to back to the future.  They told Rose of their plans but they said they would wait for her wedding too.

Rose has only one worry, how will Chris react when he finds out she is a witch, but what Rose didn't know was that Chris had a little secret of his own.

Every time when......

the moon.......

was full.

to be continued......


  1. No babies? :( (well, baby)
    The Altos are evil! :O Burn them, Rose! Burn them like you burnt the paparazzi! :O

  2. Baby will be here soon, because of her ltw I had her get married first.

    Oh wait till you see what she does to the Altos, You'll love it!

    1. Hehe, I certainly did :D He so deserved it :D

  3. Oh wow, I'm so glad she chose Chris! They're perfect for each other, I love how you presented his wolfy form. :D

    1. The game actually turned Chris into a werewolf, he was human at first and I don't even know when he changed. I was actually going for Jareth but he accused her of cheating which turned out to be the best thing that could ever happen for this story.

  4. Wow - didn't see any of this coming! Loving the twist with the Alto's. It will be sad when her mom leaves but it fits the story. I have the hardest time in Lunar Lakes with families. The pre-made houses are too small and I just can't build exotic enough to look right there. Going to have to practice for when I make it there!

    1. Oh those Lunar Lake houses are way too small so I am glad I tackled this one first especially on the first generation where the money is scarce. It was a sad day for Rose to see her mother leaving as they did have a very close relationship. The Altos end up playing a big role in this story and that is just the beginning.

  5. Oh dear. Chris is a werewolf, Rose is a witch, and neither of them know about the other's abilities. LMAO, Jareth's face being a toad made me laugh. Ahh too funny. Oh I see, the Alto's are running a waste management place but they're not being responsible with the waste. Tsk tsk. LOL.

    1. Nope neither one knows about the other and they are afraid of each others reaction to the news. Jareth deserved to be turned into a toad as he got what was coming to him. Now Jareth probably wishes he was nicer to Rose because she got herself a Landgraab who she actually does love. The Alto money isn't that appealing to her anymore. Thanks for reading :)

  6. Jareth as a toad was hilarious! I'm glad Rose found her true love :)

    1. Rose and Chris seemed to fit better. In game believe it or not Jareth actually broke up with her for cheating while he cheated on her first. I figured Rose had to do something to him for that.

  7. Uh oh! Amazing scheming! I loved it. "Nothing" really is as it seems. Rose is a witch. The Altos are evil and I take it ruining the planet with their waste management schemes. Jareth is... well, a pawn. And Chris is a werewolf! I can't wait to see where this is going. Great first generation!

    1. No one takes advantage of Rose unless there is something in it for her. There is a lot of scheming going on and more to come. I do have to confess that Chris was not always a werewolf. At the time I didn't have story progression installed and EA's turned him into a werewolf practically overnight. Considering Rose was a witch I decided to write that little plot twist in. I turned out to be the best thing EA SP ever did for me.

  8. Ah! The plot thickens! I wish I could do the toad spell, when my ex... Nevermind.

    1. I wouldn't mind casting the toad spell on my ex too except I think it might improve his looks.

  9. So Chris is the one, but hes a werewolf?
    And Jareths family is the mob, and wanna destroy the Woods...
    And Rose ... she's a witch. Ok Nothing abnormal here at all ! LOL

    1. You forgot to add the time travelers into that mix. As you said nothing abnormal here LOL
