Sunday, July 27, 2014

Chapter 5-I beg your pardon.....

This Chapter was Originally Posted 11/6/13

Holly woke up early the next morning because it was Rose's first day of school and she wanted to make her a special breakfast.

Rose enjoyed the breakfast but disappointment set in when she realized she would actually have to take the school bus.

Rose: Where is my Limo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her first day went well and she was even able to sign up for ballet as an after school activity.

Holly received a phone call the next morning; Rose did not have to go to school due to extreme weather conditions.  Water vapor frozen into ice crystals was falling from the sky in the form of light white flakes or as the primitive sims would say snow.   Holly had never seen snow before as the effects of global warming had already raised the temperature of the oceans waters so high that it never became cold enough for snow to fall.

There was no way Holly would waste this opportunity, Rose did not have any school so they were going to enjoy the snow.  They went snowboarding, ice skating and had snowball fights.

Another snowstorm hit in the middle of the night and the next day was another snow day for Rose, so they spent the day making snowmen.

Holly’s snowman

Rose's snowman

Holly's snowman

After the 4th day of snowstorms Holly realized this was the beginning of global warming and she needed to write a book on the subject.  The book caught the attention of one of the wealthiest families in town, the Alto’s.  Trenton Alto held fund raisers in his home which Holly attended leaving Rose at home alone most of the time.

Rose spent her time dreaming up ways to earn money to buy all the things her mother would not give to her.

Holly spent more and more time on her mission, completely ignoring everything else until she spotted a teenage girl talking with Trenton Alto.  The girl looked familiar to her and it wasn't until she walked closer by that she realized the girl was her own daughter.

Holly: Rose, what are you doing here?

Trenton: I will leave you two ladies to talk

Rose: Aren't you even going to say Happy Birthday?  If you spent a couple of minutes at home maybe you would have remembered

Holly: Sweetheart you grew into the beautiful young woman I knew you could be

Rose: Don't Sweetheart me mother.  I just came here to let you know that I am going out by myself to celebrate my birthday and maybe I will come home tomorrow.  Now you just go out and save the world and do what you always do, leave me alone.

Holly: Rose wait......

It was already too late Rose took off and Holly could not find her.  Holly didn't understand how or when she started to ignore her own daughter but she knew somehow she had to fix it.

She searched for Rose the rest of that night and the next day but to no avail.  She stopped by the spring festival to see if anyone saw her there.  She decided to ask one of the location merchants if he saw Rose.

The merchant looked very familiar to her and she immediately knew who he was.

Holly: Emit is that you?

Emit: The one and only.  At your service my lady......

to be continued.....


  1. Rose is definitely a character, I love her monologue. I can't believe Holly forgot her own daughter though. :( Why am I not shocked that Emit showed up just here and now?

  2. Rose certainly is a character and she was a lot of fun. Holly got caught up in everything with her career but that was a mistake. Emit did say he would be back.

  3. Oh so many snow days, I guess that wasn't enough time for Rose to feel like her mom spent time with her. Poor Rose, and poor Holly. LOL I love Rose's snowmen. XD
    Eee, Emit, I wonder what he will say to Holly. That's sad about the global warming/ I don't like snow because of all the irritation I feel having to clear it from my driveway and sidewalk, but I wouldn't want it to just stop in those places where snow is a natural occurrence.

    1. I agree with you about the snow and due to this theme I am learning more about the subject. We all will be far worse if the snow does stop so its necessary, Well Holly and Rose did enjoy their snowdays and they did spend quality time togetherm but it wasn't enough for Rose. Holly does admit she let the job get the best of her so she does need to find a balance between work and parenting. Its difficult as she is a single mother.

      Thanks for reading :)

  4. Teeheehee... this Emit also says "my lady..." So does mine. Aw... that Rose. I keep wanting to call her Rosie. She's pretty rebellious, isn't she? The mother-daughter snow day was pretty nice though up to that point.

    1. Rosie does sound like a good name for her and she certainly is very rebellious. Holly and Rose did have plenty of quality time while she was growing up. The snow day was one of them. Holly never seen snow before so she was like a child herself, the perfect playmate for Rose.

      Yes that is his pet name for her and what a coincidence :)
