Thursday, July 31, 2014

Chapter 28-I think we are not in Moonlight Falls anymore

This chapter was originally posted on 5/12/14

No one can really be sure of what destiny holds for each and every one of us, but this is not the case for a couple of time travelers whose mission is to protect the universe.  Holly and Emit knew everyone's destiny however their golden rule was to remain silent and not interfere, unless of course it was necessary in order to ensure the success of their mission.

It would have been catastrophic if Abby had not stood up to Vita and while Abby thought Victor was in danger this event would have never transpired.  Holly and Emit had no choice but to break their golden rule and they took matters into their own hands.  This is one of the reasons they were granted immortality, to make sure their plan stayed on track.  Silence was maintained as they made sure to only break the rule when absolutely necessary.

When Abby asked them why they were in Hidden Springs and if they had any information about her father a quick decision had to be made.  Surprisingly it was Emit who decided to talk.

Emit:  Nothing to worry about your father is safe.  We brought him to a place called Oasis Landing, to protect him from the Altos.

Abby:  I have never heard of that place, where is it?

Emit:  We will take you there tomorrow.  Wolfie will explain everything to you tonight, but please remember everything you are about to learn is top secret.  No one outside of the family is ever to know.  The future of all sims including your descendants depends on this.

Emit:  Tell Abby everything tonight.

Wolfie:  About the mission and Oasis Landing?

Emit:  Yes everything because tomorrow we are all going to the future.

Abby:  What is this thing?

Emit:  It's the time portal.  I had to set it up just before dawn because I do not want anyone in this time period to know of its existence.  Just stand back while I activate it.

Emit tapped his foot on the bottom and with a burst of light the time portal was activated.

Emit:  Just follow Holly and I and you will be fine, this is perfectly safe.

Wolfie:  Grandma what in the world are you wearing?

Holly:  Fashion has changed a little in 4000 years, this is all the rage here.  I'm afraid you might get some strange looks.  What you are wearing is a little outdated.  

Wolfie:  I think I will stay in my outdated clothes because....

Wolfie:  I am not wearing something like that.  

Emit:  and what is wrong with my suit

Wolfie: It's giving me a headache just looking at it.

Emit:  Let's go home and forget the fashion reviews.

Victor Cardona was truly a man born ahead of his time.  He seemed to fit in perfectly in Oasis Landing and had no intention of ever leaving.  What started out as a hideout turned out to be his second chance at life.  No one over here knew of his past mistakes, his slate was wiped clean.  He studied advanced technology and was interested in building plumbots.  Everything in this new world fascinated him and he served as a caretaker for the Woods as they were off on their mission to save the universe.  

The only regret he did have was leaving his daughter behind.  As a father he failed her in so many different ways.  He wanted to apologize to her for everything he put her through, but he knew for his safety and hers he needed to stay here in the place he happily called home.  Holly and Emit promised they would bring her here as soon as it was safe to tell her about time travel and that day couldn't come fast enough for him.  He was soon to find out, that today was that day.

Emit: Hey Victor we are home

Victor:  Hey Emit good to see you.

Emit:  We have a surprise for you.

Father and daughter hugged during a tearful reunion.  She was more beautiful than he remembered and she reminded him so much of her mother.  He couldn't apologize enough for not being a father to her when she needed one the most and for all the suffering the Altos put her through due to his actions.  Abby was just so relieved to see him alive, all was forgiven instantly.

After meeting his future son-in-law and seeing how happy his daughter was, it was a little easier explaining to Abby that he wanted to remain in Oasis Landing.  He gave the young couple his blessing and promised to be at the wedding.

Victor:  I have something I have been saving for you.  Your mother would have wanted you to have this.

Abby:  What is in here?

Victor:  Just go in the other room and try it on.

The four of them settled into the living room as they heard Abby call from the other room.

Abby:  Wolfie are you out there?

Wolfie:  Of course I am.  You want me to come in?

Abby:  NO!  I want you to GET OUT!

Wolfie:  What's wrong?

Abby: Nothing just GET OUT!

Victor:  She will be highly upset if you don't leave

Holly:  I understand.  Come with us Wolfie.  Let them have a moment alone.

Abby:  My Mother's wedding dress.  I can't believe you still had this.

Victor:  I knew you would want it and you look as beautiful as she did.

They returned home and the wedding plans continued.  Sandi left them with a list of wedding venues that she approved of and the one they were currently in was on the top of his list with stars next to the name.

Abby:  I think Sandi likes this one the best and I have to say so do I.

Abby:  The Chapel is everything I dreamed of

Abby:  and the reception hall has a nice size dance floor and is beautiful.

Wolfie:  You sound like you already have your heart set on this place.

Abby:  I do

Wolfie: Then it’s settled, we are renting it.  Let's get married.

To be continued.........


  1. Ooh, yay, I was wondering if we'd find out what happened to Victor. I'm glad he's safe and having a good life. That was so cute he gave Abby her mother's wedding dress, how sweet. That wedding venue looks like it'd be a beautiful place to get married.

    1. Yes Victor was safe and the future is a damn good hiding place as there was no way the Altos could find him there. It also turned out to give Victor a second chance at life and he is happy living there.

      Abby would have like for her mother to have been there so being able to wear her dress is the next best thing. That wedding venue is very pretty the person who made it did a real good job.

      Thanks for reading :)

  2. Oh yay! She was reunited with her dad. And they're getting married - Wolfie and Abby. Woot!

    1. All the loose ends are tied up and there is just one last knot to tie for Wolfie and Abby's happily ever after.
